For the last couple months, I've been lucky enough to have a public facing freelance job amongst others.

A match made in heaven, because I saw Cryamore a long ways back and thought to myself. YES! A western company making an eastern / anime styled action rpg!!

Fate would unite us later on down the line, and here I am, sculpting the 2 figurines as rewards for the kickstarter!

Bliss & her older sister Esmy.

Here is Bliss:

And here is a link to a full interactive 360 spin.

Thanks to a brief comment recently made by a friend, it spurred me into coining the phrase 'Creative Near-Sightedness' to describe something I've battled with and continue to battle with, throughout my journey. I hope that this might make some sense to others out there and shed some similar light on your situation like it has mine.

I made up a sculpt of Daisy from LMS - one of Danny Luvisi's characters.

Finished this miniature for Kingdom Death - SpiderSilk Assassin. She will be produced at 37mm high for tabletop gaming!


People, there is a disease running rampant through social media. It causes people to feel compelled to change each others minds on social topics. Artists - try to resist the urge. Let the fools spend their time fighting and arguing over whose right or wrong, and lets use our time doing what we do best.

I finished this mini off a couple months ago, just getting around to posting her up now!!

I'm falling behind here! So much stuff happening.

Now some random spewing because THIS IS MY BLOG and I can WOOOO!

People....I'm dumb too, so I can sympathize, but holy shit some of your realllllly stretch the limits of ....of....

Goose - Sci Fi Trooper / Pilot.

Back in early 2012 I wanted to brush up on my hard surface skills so I created this guy for fun. Callsign Goose just because Top Gun is awesome.

Hes about 6500 tris and uses 1024 x 2 and 1x512 for the face & skin.

Discovered Keyshot, what a great piece of software!!

Took some new renders of the Lioness from Kingdom Death using it!

Sculpted this mini up for Kingdom Death back in April 2012!

I was invited onto the Crunchcast!

A podcast where game industry people talk about stuff!

We talked about visas, portfolios, freelance stuff and my own transition through various positions etc.

Made up a couple of materials for Zbrush 4r4 for skin!


Blog Archive
Me and Wifey chillin after a 2 hour walk in the woods!
Me and Wifey chillin after a 2 hour walk in the woods!
Me and Wifey chillin after a 2 hour walk in the woods!
In the little Cafe in Muir Woods!
Tovarisch & Inspirers!
About Me
About Me
My Photo
Did you ever see the movie Once Were Warriors ? That was filmed minutes from where I spent most of my teen years! I was born and raised in South Auckland, New Zealand. I wanted to be a Pilot in the Air Force, but then discovered the Video Game! I started playing video games when I was very young, I had a thirst to see the art, and learn about the stories in games like ultima, might and magic, phantasy star and final fantasy. This turned into a passion, and the dreams of being a pilot vanished along with numerous generations of Game Console. From that very young age I began scribling and doodling characters and monsters from the games I played. I eventually left NZ at age 21 to move to Australia to go to a school that could teach me about making games. I got a Diploma, and straight out of school put my folio up and made myself available for freelance. I was able to support myself for 3 years working as a freelance artist! I hope to be the best character artist that I can be, enjoy my journey along that path and one day if im lucky enough - be able to direct a project of my own!
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